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June 27-28, 2024: Public Speaking Workshop

PUBLIC SPEAKING - dott.ssa Anna Mazzotti

Workshop for doctoral students in cycles 36, 37, 38

  • When: June 27-28, 2024 - Aula Seminari
  • Where: "San Luigi Gonzaga" Hospital Teaching Center 
  • To join the workshop: you must fill in the Registration Form by May 16, 2024.


How to build a talk

  1. Key points of a talk
  • What a good speech is
  • External issues: audience, contents, timing, visual aids
  • Internal issues: voice, gesture, non-verbal communication
  • Cultural and generational differences
  1. Communication strategies
  • How to involve the audience
  • About the most common mistakes speakers do and how to avoid them
  • Stress and nervousness management
  • How to memorize a speech  
  1. Making the speech
  • Content processing
  • Speech structure
  • Key points: which they are and how they can be highlighted
  • Visual aid preparation
  1. Tecnichal issues
  • Opening and closing a speech
  • Managing the audience
  • Managing time
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Mental coaching
  • Modulating the impact on the audience
  • Empowerment techniques
  1. Practicing
  • Simulating a camera shooting of the talk
  • Feed-back
  • Vocal exercises
  • Exercises for concentration
  • Speech building training
  • Creative communication training
  • Main issues of English pronunciation
  • Italian-like English words
  • Main cultural differences between Italian and Anglo-Saxon speech
  • Examining memorable or technically sounding speeches
  • Evaluation check-list
  • Feed-back management
  • Final simulation and self-evaluation


Last update: 10/06/2024 11:34
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