Annual Report
and Mandatory Exam for PhD Students
First year
- Half page abstract (including references; self-references of in extenso manuscript only);
- Poster presentation of research program and preliminary results (Discussion with tutors, visiting scientists and PhD colleagues); Poster size: 70 x 100 cm (27 x 39”).
Second year
- Half page abstract (including references; self-references of in extenso manuscript only);
- Oral presentation of results: 8 min + 2 min discussion (Maximum 7 slides)
Third year
- Half page abstract (including self-references of in extenso manuscript only);
- Oral presentation of results: 10 min + 5 min discussion (Maximum 10 slides);
Fourth year
- Written report 3-5 pages on research program and results (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, References), and full List of in extenso publications produced during the four years of PhD course;
PhD students abroad for research reasons or on pre-authorized leave are exempted from presenting the results obtained. However, they must submit the abstract or written report.
The abstract must include, in the following order: Title, Tutor name, Department and Text (Introduction, Methods and Results, and Discussion).
- Word processor: Microsoft Word
- Size: text maximum 2,000 characters including spaces plus a list of full publications produced during the PhD course; Do not exceed 1 page in total.
- Character: Calibrì 12.
- Line spacing: single space (1)
Do not use text boxes, tables or images/figures
The written report must include, in the following order: Title, Tutor name, Department and Text (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and References).
- Word processor: Microsoft Word
- Size: text maximum12,000 characters including spaces plus a list of full publications produced during the PhD course. Do not exceed 5 pages in total.
- Character: Calibrì 12.
- Line spacing: single space (1)
Include maximum 2 embedded figures and / or tables.
Poster printing:
At the ICT office (first floor) of the Service Center - San Luigi Hospital - Orbassano there is a plotter printer. To print a poster, submit a ticket under "Desktop management e postazioni di lavoro informatiche".
It will not be possible to print the poster on the morning of the Progress Report
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 – 9.30 - 16.25
Aula Seminari - San Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital-Orbassano
10.30 - 11.15 Invited Lecture:
"Using live cell imaging to investigate signalling in time and space"
Prof. Konstantinos Lefkimmiatis
Department of Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Pavia
September 22nd, 2023 – 9.30 - 16.30
Aula Seminari - San Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital-Orbassano
10.30 - 11.15 Invited Lecture:
"Heart-brain coupling and its role for perception, action, and emotion"
Prof. Michael Gaebler
Head of the Mind-Body-Emotion group
Department of Neurology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Germany University
Download the Programme of the event (PDF)
Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 – 9.30 - 16.30
Aula Seminari - San Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital-Orbassano
10.30 - 11.15 Invited Lecture:
"Exosomes - a promising therapeutic agent for myocardial infarction"
Professor Sean Davidson UCL - University College London
Download the Programme of the event (PDF)