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MTS/EMT Educational Activities 


Considering the strong interdisciplinary feature of Experimental Medicine and Therapy (Medicina e Terapia Sperimentale, MTS/ETS) educational activities aim both at completing the basic knowledge and at providing advanced information in several areas of significant biomedical interest.

Scientific supervisor(s) are appointed, in order to supervise and guide the students in their learning process.

The training program has three official meeting moments:

The Doctorate provides Credits by Teaching (see Courses) and by Seminar cycles (see Seminars).

The specific courses organized by the Experimental Medicine and Therapy program aim to give up-to-date information on basic as well as clinically relevant issues related to the core content of MTS/EMT and to emerging problems (see Organization of MTS/EMT).

The specific objectives of the courses are:

  • To give up-to-date information on core content topics, such as oxidative stress, inflammation, fibrosis, amyloidosis and platelet aggregation pathophysiology.
  • To give basic information on statistical analysis in biomedical field.
  • To develop skills necessary to write an effective proposal and scientific manuscript, to speak in front of an audience, to manage a startup in life science field, and to organize thinking and ideas.

The student will have the opportunity to follow the Common Courses organized by the PhD School and the Zeroing/Integratory and Basic Courses provided by the teachers and supervisor(s) of the Doctorate (see also Complementary Training). The majority of theoretical courses are followed during the first and second year of the program. Already during the first year the student will start his/her scientific research activities in laboratories under the supervision of supervisor(s). During the last year, the main activity of the student will be scientific research activities in laboratories  thus improving his/her knowledge in the specific sector in which he/she will carry on the research activities (see Syllabus). To this regard, institutional courses (both at Torino University and other Universities) are offered to the student, as well as specialized tutorials and seminars, specifically tailored to doctoral students and well-integrated with each individual learning activities.

To these purposes, the Teachers and Tutors will agree in advance with each student a training program that considers his/her preferences, his/her initial skills, and the available expertise within the Departments involved in the Doctorate program.

It is strongly recommended that the student performs part of the research activities at high level national or international affiliated organizations or institutions that collaborate with the PhD program.

The Teachers and tutors also promote useful initiatives to establish collaborative relationships with private companies in the sector, many of which have shown interest in the Experimental Medicine and Therapy PhD course at the University of Torino.

Each Portfolio also contains an overview of the student’s plans comprising information on course work as well as the PhD project’s aims and results and timetable.

The PhD student acquires, for each academic year, most of the Credits through scientific and research activities related to the research project programmed with the tutor(s) and teachers (see Syllabus below).

During the PhD program, each student must acquire 60 ECTS/Credits for year. Each Credit requires 25 hours of work.

The courses, seminaries and other activities described in the syllabus must be reported in the personal Student Portfolio (60 Credits for year).

Specifically, program the Credits should be acquired according with the following plan:

Four years

  • 208-213 Credits from research activity
  • 15-25    Credits from disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities
  • 6-15      Credits from training activity complementary to research

Three years

  • 158-165 Credits from research activity
  • 15-22    Credits from disciplinary, interdisciplinary training activities and from training activity complementary to research


The ECTS/Credits for each year must respect the maximum established in the Syllabus.

Last update: 10/11/2023 14:23
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