- Oggetto:
New Mechanisms of Cardiac Proteotoxicity in Heart Failure
- Oggetto:
Academic year 2015/2016
- Teacher
- Prof. Pasquale PAGLIARO (Moderatore)
- Degree course
- Ciclo XXVIII
Ciclo XXIX
Ciclo XXX
Ciclo XXXI - Type
- Seminario
- Credits/Recognition
- da 0 a 5
- Delivery
- Tradizionale
- Language
- Inglese
- Attendance
- Oggetto:
Sommario del corso
- Oggetto:
“New Mechanisms of Cardiac Proteotoxicity in Heart Failure”
Dr Giulio Agnetti, PhD, FAHA
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimora, MD, USA.
Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM)
University of Bologna, Italy.
Friday March 18, 2016 - h 13:30
Aula GIALLA - Palazzina Didattica
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria San Luigi Gonzaga di Orbassano
Suggested readings and bibliography
- Oggetto: